
Tuesday, May 21st 2 hours (total = 100 hours) Today I recorded vocals for "let go" and "fractals". I did this from home on my own microphone and did my own mixing for it. it took me a while to get a solid understanding of the software and to get the proper form of the song down but after i did i recorded my vocals. It feels Good to be done.
Monday, May 20th 4 hours (total= 98) Today was spent almost entirely taking down all of our recording equipment. we packed up all the mics, interfaces, the computer, and our personal instruments. it feels weird that this is coming to an end. we have been looking forward to this for so long, it feels really sad to be done with the album, and that we are all going to college soon.
Weekly reflection #3 Sat=3 hours Sun=5hours (total=94 hours) This week was very productive recording-wise. we recorded the majority of our songs this week and we were able to finalize pretty much everything. The tracks we have done are Paradox, Candles Sex, Dark Woods, Slunt, Fractals, and Lost in Space. Drake and I were thinking of remastering another song from one of our old albums but we will see if we have time, we also recorded the instrumental for a song “let go” that Dylan and Drake wrote this past summer. Its kind of a breakup song performed on two acoustics. Hopefully, we will be able to get the vocals done also before next week. We have 6 finished tracks right now so we nearly made our goal of 8, id say that we learned a lot about recording and time management over these last 3 weeks, and it has been an extremely productive and educational experience for us. We plan on adding some lofi/instrumental interludes to really fill out the album and give the album a nice feel...
Friday, May 17th 6 hours (total=86 hours) Today was mostly spent going through our current tracks and recording little parts here and there, like a little guitar solo or redoing a few seconds of vocals in a couple spots. We have the song later almost done, we have renamed it “fractals”. Dylan recorded the vocals on it, and it sounds awesome. The rest of the day was spent with reed going through different tones and effects on all of our tracks and agreeing as a band what kind of sound we want. Although the only actual recording that we did today was Dylan's vocals, it was a very productive day.
Thursday, May 16th 5 hours (total 80) Today Kai came over to help us jam and record. It was really good to see him since its been a while. We mostly spent our time going over the stuff we already had to show kai. We then did a bunch of unnamed jams. There was one progression that joe came up with that we were really enjoying, so we decided to record it and put it on the album. the song is titled “later” It has a low-fi feel, and we plan on having kai feature on keys, reed on drums, drake on bass, and joe on guitar. We spent some time making an intro to the video we plan on making for this song.
Wednesday, May 15th 5 hours (total 75) Today was pretty slow. We had stayed up late recording last night so everyone was pretty tired, Drake had baseball and Dylan had play rehearsal. So reed mixed all of the songs we had so far while abe and I gave suggestions and critiques on how the songs could be mixed. We also worked on the video for another un named song.
Tuesday, May 14th 5 hours (70 total) Today we recorded most of dark woods. We did the guitar, bass, drums, and vocals. We are happy with the current recording that we have. We might add another guitar track. We hope to have kai record a saxophone or piano solo on dark woods, but it depends on if we can get him to the studio. We also are going to get Joe to have a solo on this track the next time he is not working. We made a lot of progress today.